Modern Slavery Statement 2022
Giejo Holdings Limited (formerly Giejo International Limited)

Modern Slavery Statement – Let’s Vape LLC Online Magazine

At Let’s Vape LLC Online Magazine, we are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in all aspects of our business, including our supply chain. We firmly oppose modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms. This Modern Slavery Statement outlines our commitment to combating these issues and the steps we are taking to ensure that our operations and supply chains remain free from exploitation.

Our Policies and Values:

  1. Zero Tolerance: We have a zero-tolerance policy towards modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labor, and any other forms of exploitation. We are committed to preventing these practices within our organization and supply chain.
  2. Ethical Practices: We promote and expect ethical conduct from all our employees, contractors, and suppliers. This includes respecting human rights, fair treatment of workers, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
  3. Transparency and Accountability: We maintain transparency in our operations and communicate our expectations to our employees, suppliers, and stakeholders. We hold ourselves and our partners accountable for ensuring ethical practices throughout our supply chain.

Supply Chain Due Diligence:

We recognize the importance of conducting due diligence to identify and address any potential risks of modern slavery within our supply chain. Our approach includes:

  1. Supplier Evaluation: We assess the practices of our suppliers and contractors to ensure they align with our values and comply with applicable labor and human rights laws. We prioritize working with suppliers who share our commitment to eradicating modern slavery.
  2. Supplier Code of Conduct: We have implemented a Supplier Code of Conduct that sets out our expectations regarding labor standards, human rights, and ethical practices. We require all suppliers and contractors to adhere to these standards.
  3. Audits and Assessments: We regularly conduct audits and assessments of our suppliers to verify their compliance with our Supplier Code of Conduct. These assessments include on-site visits, document reviews, and interviews to ensure that workers are treated fairly and are free from any form of exploitation.
  4. Collaboration and Remediation: In cases where non-compliance or potential risks are identified, we work closely with our suppliers to develop appropriate remediation plans. We provide support and resources to assist them in improving their practices and addressing any issues.

Employee Awareness and Training:

We believe that creating awareness and providing education to our employees is crucial in preventing and identifying modern slavery. We provide training programs to raise awareness about modern slavery, human trafficking, and related issues. This training includes recognizing signs of exploitation, reporting mechanisms, and the importance of ethical business practices.

Continuous Improvement:

We are committed to continuous improvement in our efforts to combat modern slavery. We regularly review our policies, procedures, and supplier management practices to identify areas for enhancement. We actively seek feedback from stakeholders and collaborate with industry partners to share best practices and drive positive change.

This Modern Slavery Statement reflects Let’s Vape LLC Online Magazine’s commitment to eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking. We will continue to evolve our policies and practices to ensure that our business operates with integrity, transparency, and respect for human rights.

For further inquiries or to report any concerns related to modern slavery or human trafficking, please contact us at [email protected].

Last Updated: 20 June 2023